Top 20 Tips on Reducing the Use of Plastics in Your Home and Life!

PVL Green Club

TIP #1:

Use BeeWize Eco-friendly Reusable Food Wraps for storing fruits, veggies, cheese, bread, or covering a bowl, instead of traditional plastic wrap!

TIP #2:

Use glassware for storing leftovers, meats, fish, and other prepared foods!

TIP #3:

Give up those plastic water bottles for good!  Invest in glass or stainless steel water containers!

TIP #4:

Always take your reusable fabric shopping bags with you when food shopping!

TIP #5:

Eat more whole foods and less processed, or packaged, foods!

TIP #6:

Purchase foods, such as, pasta, beans, rice, or other grains, in bulk, using a reusable bag or container!

TIP #7:

Buy prepared drinks in boxes or glass, not in plastic bottles!

TIP #8:

Buy fruits and veggies in your market’s produce section, or at the farmer’s market, rather than pre-packaged in plastic!

TIP #9:

As a snack, put an apple or banana in your work satchel, or your kids’ lunch boxes, rather than a plastic-wrapped snack!

TIP #10:

Bring a thermos to your local coffeeshop, and say No to the polyethylene-lined paper cup and plastic lid that will not decompose for 100 years!

TIP #11:

Stop using plastic silverware!

TIP #12

Replace plastic straws with glass straws!

TIP #13:

Use a toothbrush made of recycled plastics; or, to be truly green, use a bamboo toothbrush!

TIP #14:

Use wood or glass cutting boards, not plastic!

TIP #15:

Buy ceramic bowls to feed your pets!

TIP #16:

Buy soft-cloth toys for your pets, instead of plastic toys!

TIP #17:

Buy laundry soap in boxes, not plastic containers!

TIP #18:

Give up liquid body wash (in plastic containers) and buy bar soap!

TIP #19:

Say No to face wash, toothpaste, and other personal products with “polypropylene,” or

“polyethylene” in the ingredient list.  These micro-plastics are polluting our magnificent oceans!

TIP #20:

Join a community clean-up group with your family, and help keep your neighborhood community, or other people’s communities, beautiful!  Some clean-up organizations track the amount of waste collected to share with local politicians, who then have documented evidence to support the creation of new laws reducing the volume of trash in the community.

We thank you for playing your part, no matter how small, 

in keeping our homes, communities, and planet clean and beautiful!

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