Plant a Billion Trees Campaign – The Nature Conservancy

Join the Nature Conservancy’s campaign to plant one billion trees in the world’s “critical” forests by 2025.

Here are just a few of the benefits of earth’s precious trees:

1. Trees filter toxins from the air, producing oxygen and cleaner air for us to breathe;
2. Trees clean our water through their root systems, which accounts for more than 50% of the drinking water in the United States;
3. Trees hold vast amounts of carbon dioxide, keeping it out of the air, which is good for us and good for climate change;
4. Trees are home to hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species. In Brazil alone, more than 60% of the country’s threatened species call the Atlantic forests home. Yet, only 12% of the forest remains.

Together, we can help support this amazing effort! Trees are so essential to our well-being and that of our beautiful planet Earth!

Just click the link below to plant your own tree – one in a billion!

Wishing you a vibrant and spectacular day…xoxo
Project Vibrant Life

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